Privacy Cell 1.3

Privacy Cell 1.3 has been released, which adds a realtime monitoring option.

Unfortunately, the realtime monitor is usually the bearer of bad news.

Adding the realtime monitoring service requires the addition of the FOREGROUND_SERVICE and RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED permissions as described in the permission documentation.

These are examples of permissions I would never add to Privacy Browser because it processes untrusted data from the internet and could be compromised to abuse them. But Privacy Cell is not exposed in this way, so it is safe for it to have these permissions.

Realtime monitoring is disabled by default. It can be enabled in the settings. Different sounds can be chosen by the user if desired to indicate the switching between secure and insecure networks.

Realtime monitoring allows Privacy Cell to alert you when you have transitioned to an insecure network.

With this release, all the planned features of Privacy Cell have been implemented. Future releases will contain bug fixes, translations, and updates for compatibility with future Android versions.


3 responses to “Privacy Cell 1.3”

  1. […] the release of Privacy Cell 1.3, all the planned features have been implemented. At this point, Privacy Cell development is […]

  2. Steven Robinson

    If I leave my wifi and mobile network off, can my phone be spied on?

    1. Soren Stoutner

      The correct place to post a general question is on the forum at