Privacy Browser PC

The only way to prevent data from being abused is to prevent it from being collected in the first place.

Privacy Browser Android is an open source web browser focused on user privacy based on Qt WebEgnine. It is released under the GPLv3+ license. The source code can be viewed at

Privacy Browser has two primary goals.

  1. Minimize the data that is sent to the internet.
  2. Minimize the data that is stored on the device.

Most browsers silently give websites massive amounts of information that allows them to track you and compromise your privacy. Websites and ad networks use technologies like JavaScript, cookies, DOM storage, user agents, and many other things to uniquely identify each user and track them between visits and across the web.

In contrast, privacy sensitive features are disabled by default in Privacy Browser. If one of these technologies is required for a website to function correctly, the user may choose to turn it on for just that visit. Or, they can use domain settings to automatically turn on certain features when entering a specific website and turn them off again when leaving.

Privacy Browser PC is currently in an alpha state. Users are encouraged to read the Handbook (press F1 inside the program). It has many missing features, but it has become usable enough for those who like to live on the edge. Bug reports and feedback are appreciated. Users should expect that all of the features currently implemented and planned for Privacy Browser Android will also be implemented in Privacy Browser PC. There is no need to submit a bug report for these missing features as I will add them as they get closer and I have a better idea of how I will implement them. However, please submit a bug report for any of the existing features are not functioning well.

The Git repository can be cloned by running the following command:

git clone

Privacy Browser PC is developed using KDevelop with CMake. Assuming you have both installed, as well as the standard Qt and KDE Frameworks libraries, you should be able to open and build the project using the included PrivacyBrowserPC.kdev4 file. The list of the needed development libraries can be seen in the main CMakeLists.txt. There is a list of Debian packages needed to build Privacy Browser in the Debian control file.

Technical support is available on the forums.

Privacy Browser development can be followed at

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