• Google Play: $1,015.40
  • Stripe: $768.07
  • PayPal: $174.90
  • Patreon: $136.56
  • Cash Donation: $40.00
  • Merch Store: $37.38
  • Amazon: $6.31

Total Revenue: $2,178.62

This compares favorably with last year’s total of $1,365.86. Google Play revenue comes from selling the standard flavor on Google Play. Stripe revenue comes from Liberapay donations. PayPal comes from Liberapay, sales on Samsung’s Galaxy App Store, and from direct donations. Patreon revenue comes from Patreon donations. Merch Store revenue comes from the Merch Store. Amazon revenue comes from selling the standard flavor on the Amazon AppStore.

I have a little bit of cryptocurrency I am waiting to cash out, but currently it costs so much to transfer Bitcoin that I am waiting for the market to calm down.